Upcoming Events
Start Date & Time
Monday 30, June 2025
08:00 GMT
End Date & Time
Thursday 3, July 2025
17:00 GMT
Meet the new players as the Australian British Energy Transition and Investment Catalyst (ABETIC) returns to the UK with a brand new energy framework under Great British Energy.
Hear the latest on navigating energy transition and investment, the data centre phenomenon, critical minerals to batteries and who is ahead in pioneer technologies.
The Aims and Objectives of ABETIC 2025 are:
- Offer exclusive briefings from policy and business leaders on framework, pace and priorities for transition
- Match investment with opportunity at scale between the UK and Australia
- Build bridge between critical minerals and batteries
- Lift knowledge exchange on the role of gas in transition
- Champion Australia’s COP31 bid
- Explore pioneering solutions for green energy and carbon reduction
- Build knowledge to deliver regional transition and future jobs
The initial programme including confirmed speakers will be shared soon.
To discuss this further including enquiring about Sponsorship please contact Jennifer Cramond jcramond@britishchamber.com
Individual Ticket
Member: $5,000
Non Member: $5,500